Do you want to learn how to draw a cute lion cub?
Teach your kids this simple lion drawing! Younger kids for sure would prefer drawing this cutest little creature. As with an adult lion, we have a separate printable guide for this tutorial. Download it here.
Step 1 – Lion cub’s head
Since all babies have large heads, we’ll start by outlining it.

Step 2 – Paws and tail
We do not see much of a cub’s body, so we simply draw front and back legs and the cub’s tail.

Step 3 – Developing our lion cub’s face
Add little rough hairy lines on most of the cub’s face and make it smile.

Step 4 – Eyes and ears
Draw big wide-opened eyes and even bigger ears.

Step 5 – Paws time
Now it is time to draw front legs and paws.
*Don’t forget that the cub’s chest right below the chin should be in front of the legs.

Step 6 – Hind legs and tail
This one is the easiest – just make sure that the hind paws are not lower than the front ones.

Step 7 – Bringing some color
When you are adding color to your lin cub’s drawing, four colors would be enough to get started. The chest and the belly are usually lighter.

Step 8 – Finishing cub’s drawing
Leave places for highlights in the lion cub’s eyes – it will make them stand out more. Your little baby lion cartoon is cute and ready to be hanged on the fridge or your kids’ art gallery wall!

Download our “How to draw a lion cub” tutorial in PDF format here
We hope you liked our simple drawing of a lion and a lion cub tutorials and would be able to practice it a few times to get better results!

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Now you know how to draw a lion and a lion cub. Practice a few times for better results!