A newborn crochet baby blanket is one of the most popular crochet projects. Create a modern crochet blanket with an easy star stitch. Are you ready to dive into crochet with a rewarding yet easy pattern? Then you’d like this newborn crochet blanket with a free pattern and star stitch tutorial.
Modern crochet baby blanket
Try this double crochet blanket if you want a fun crochet stitch. In addition to double crochet (dc), you will be also using chain (ch) stitches. Most importantly, even if you are a beginner, don’t be intimidated by this pattern. It looks more complicated than it really is. In fact, concentrate on the structure of the leaves made with double crochet stitches. After that, it is almost a mindless crochet project you can relax with.
Learn how to create this modern crochet baby blanket using an easy crochet stitch. Most importantly, this fast blanket stitch is perfect even for beginners. Are you looking for other blanket sizes? Check out our handy diagram to help you pick the right size for your DIY project: Crochet Blanket Sizes In addition, in this …