Try this double crochet blanket if you want a fun crochet stitch. In addition to double crochet (dc), you will be also using chain (ch) stitches. Most importantly, even if you are a beginner, don’t be intimidated by this pattern. It looks more complicated than it really is. In fact, concentrate on the structure of the leaves made with double crochet stitches. After that, it is almost a mindless crochet project you can relax with.
Double crochet blanket
Are you looking for a modern crochet pattern? A double crochet blanket pattern may be just what you need as a beginner who mastered only a few basic stitches. In fact, to crochet this free pattern, you’ll be using chain, single crochet, and double crochet stitches. On a scale of simple crochet blanket patterns, this free pattern is probably suitable for intermediate beginners. Indeed, there is a simple twist on the basic double crochet stitch. Correspondingly, some of them will be front-post double crochet stitches.